
Data collection validity and reliability
Data collection validity and reliability

data collection validity and reliability

These can be observational, self-report, interview and record review. In addition, the inferences made will depend on the type of measurement. However, these quantification will come in the different forms of inference. The different measurements in social science research require quantification of abstracts, intangible and construct that may not be observable. Principles and methods of validity and reliability testing of questionnaires used in social and health science researches. Keywords: Questionnaire, reliability, social and health, validity It further discusses various forms of validity and reliability tests with concise examples and finally explains various methods of analysing these tests with scientific principles guiding such analysis. This is a review article which comprehensively explores and describes the validity and reliability of a research instrument (with special reference to questionnaire). This has been linked to the dearth of knowledge of these tests. The importance of measuring the accuracy and consistency of research instruments (especially questionnaires) known as validity and reliability, respectively, have been documented in several studies, but their measure is not commonly carried out among health and social science researchers in developing countries.

Data collection validity and reliability