I could have compared him to some kind of other animal, like whatever in the world Gary Busey is, though he seems like he belongs somewhere in the shark family, being that he always plays such creepy characters, so much so that even his portrayal of Jesus is a little bit off-putting, though I suppose that's what happens when you have the guts to make a film that analyzes the temptations of the most sacred human being to walk upon the earth and its water and expect the guy who directed "Taxi Driver" and the guy who went on to dress in drag as a gay man in "The Boondock Saints" (That's an awesome title, but those saints were hardly sacred) and be in a film called "Antichrist" (Wow, really?) to not make a lustful Jesus come off as too discomforting.

Yeah, I know that the size of a jaw doesn't play too terribly big of a part in the volume of your voice, though I think that may just be the case with people who don't have a megamouth shark somewhere in their family tree, because I think the reason why Willem Dafoe tries to stay quiet so often is because when he gets started yelling, that tooth foghorn between his nose and chin isn't gonna let him stop. Of course, maybe Willen Dafoe is going a bit too far, because with a jaw like that, Jesus wouldn't need that crazy, super-cool booming voice that von Sydow had going on or an odyssey across the land to educate the world on his views all he would need is an afternoon and one good shout.

I don't know where people started getting in their heads that Jesus had a broad jaw, though I suppose it makes sense, because if you're going to preach as boastfully to the world as Jesus did, then you're going to need a jaw that can handle it. Somewhere between Max von Sydow and Christian Bale, there was Willem Dafoe, the biggest mouth of all.